About Us
What is the PTO?
The Northridge PTO is an organization made up of parents of Northridge students, teachers and the principal.
What does the PTO do?
The purpose of the Northridge PTO is to promote the welfare of Northridge Elementary School and its students. The Northridge PTO brings into closer relation the parents and the school and it does so by supporting the activities and programs of the school financially, with volunteers or both. Basically, the Northridge PTO is a group of parents, teachers, and administrators within the school who work together to support each other, the school and its students!
The PTO holds an annual fall Raffle fundraiser. We also have Northridge merchandise for sale at events and anytime by asking at the office.
When do we meet?
Regular PTO meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:45 at Northridge. Please watch for bulletins with reminders!
To sign up or be removed from the PTO email list, or to submit ideas or suggestions, please email the PTO Email Account.
How You Can Get Involved:
- Sign up for the PTO email list to receive updates on school discussions, happenings and volunteer opportunities.
- Like the Northridge Elementary page on Facebook.
- Attend a PTO meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:45 pm in the Cafeteria.
- Volunteer an hour of your time.
2024-2025 PTO Officers,
Brandi Sonneson , President
Amber Estabrook, Vice President
Amanda Godfread, Secretary
Callie Scheller, Treasurer
Email: northridgepto1@gmail.com